Episode 22
Vis-à-vis Nokia (Critical Path #95)
September 6th, 2013
1 hr 24 mins
About this Episode
A special episode in three parts: 1) Too many variables: The mechanics of the Microsoft Nokia deal 2) Climbing Everest without oxygen: The implications for Microsoft and 3) Post-abyss: The implications for Nokia.
Links for this episode:
- Does the phone market forgive failure? | asymco
- Unforgiven, Continued | asymco
- The Innovator’s Curse | asymco
- Who’s buying whom? | asymco
- 5by5 | The Critical Path #93: The Innovator's Curse
- 5by5 | The Critical Path #94: The Limits of Executive Power
- Another Nokia Explanation; The Same Tragic Conclusion | stratechery by Ben Thompson
- 5by5 | High Density #3: Staying hungry with Ben Thompson
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